Why Google & Us

We follow what Google keywords actually lead to a close, where other companies aim to fulfill the Lead order with no motivation to close and may resell Leads. This data is invaluable and is a main ingredient to our secret sauce.

Demonstration of a Google search turning into a lead

Why Google & Us?

Time and Money!

Simply put, no other forms of advertising yield a higher ROI. Let us do the heavy lifting for you. Spend time closing deals instead of finding deals.

Pin-Point Targeting!

Google is known for providing targeted results. When someone searches, “I’m looking for 3 bedroom home in Toronto with a pool”, chances are they are looking for a 3 bedroom home in Toronto with a pool. We know this person isn’t looking for used cars or condos for sale. With 97% accuracy, Google Ads are far more effective than Facebook or print media.

We have 20+ Years of Keyword Data!

We’ve been generating Leads since 2007. We know what people are typing in Google that will ultimately lead to a sale (a process no other competitor keeps track of). With various timelines in the home buyer/seller journey, we capture the Lead right before they intend to buy or sell real estate. We know what these keyword searches are, and we make sure our ads are being seen each time these keywords are entered into Google. In turn, cutting your sales cycle in half!

Stop struggling with Lead gen and earn more.